Australians Transforming Cancer Care at Shaare Zedek
12 November 2019
The Australian Friends of Shaare Zedek are working to support Australian born and trained doctors who are at the frontline of the prevention and treatment of cancer at the hospital in Jerusalem.
These innovative and highly respected doctors are creating a comprehensive cancer service at Jerusalem’s most central and fastest growing hospital. And with a higher rate of BRCA genetic mutations in people of Jewish heritage around the world, research and medical innovations at Shaare Zedek have serious ramifications for our local community.
This year, the AFSZ’s annual appeal is dedicated to supporting Australians at Shaare Zedek in their significant work.
Dr Shani Paluch-Shimon was born and educated in Melbourne and is the Director of the Department of Oncology at Shaare Zedek. Shani directs the Talya Centre at Shaare Zedek, a unique program dedicated to young women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Young women confronting this disease have specific needs that include concerns about fertility, genetics, relationships, parenting, and career development. The Talya Centre aims to provide support for young women via a dedicated patient navigator from diagnosis to survivorship. The patient navigator guides patients through the complex cancer care system to help ensure timely and multidisciplinary care. It also includes clinical research to help explore and tailor care to the needs of young women with breast cancer including topics related to psychosocial issues and the biology of breast cancer and more.
Shaare Zedek’s medical staff also specialize in breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy and in helping women achieve healthy pregnancy after treatment for breast cancer.
Dr Jordana Hyman, another Australian expat is an IVF specialist. Her work at Shaare Zedek includes helping young women with cancer preserve their fertility into the future.
Prof Nathan Cherny AM is a highly respected pioneer in his field. He is an award-winning thought leader in palliative care. Prof Cherny AM has led international working groups to determine the applications of emerging therapies.
The Australian Friends of Shaare Zedek Inc are a health promotion charity, working to support and promote the innovative treatment emerging from Shaare Zedek. Shaare Zedek Medical Centre was involved in discoveries that associated with the connection between BRCA mutations and an increased risk of certain cancers.
Funds raised this year will enable continued crucial medical innovation.
There are several important areas where donations from the Australian community will help save lives.
Shaare Zedek needs a new oncology biobank to facilitate research and its translation to the best in patient care. As Director of the Department of Oncology, Dr Shani Paluch-Shimon also plans to develop a smartphone app that will enable cancer patients to input their symptoms, receive prompts regarding their treatment and to enable more detailed analysis of their medical needs. The use of apps such as this has been proven to have measurable benefits to patients. Donations this year will enable the translation of this app into Hebrew and Arabic and will enable training in its use for patients unused to the technology. The information gleaned from this app will also contribute significantly towards research into disease.
Your donations this year will also enable Shaare Zedek to upgrade the facilities for cancer patients so that they can receive treatment in a dignified and healing environment.
Shaare Zedek Medical Centre conducts all its operations in an atmosphere of compassion and inclusion. Prof Rabbi Avraham Steinberg, Director of Shaare Zedek’s Department of Medical Ethics will visit Australia during the annual campaign and will open Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital’s 11th Bioethics Conference. The theme of the conference is Respecting Different Perspectives.
The AFSZ Inc are proud of the crucial contributions made by Australians at Shaare Zedek.